
Regarding holiday for celebration of New Year


The Rainbow International, School Bhagalpur


आदरणीय अभिभावक ,

दिनांक 31/12/2021 को वर्ष 2021 की विदाई और दिनांक 01/01/2022 को वर्ष’2022 की स्वागत के अवसर पर अध्ययन- अध्यापन कार्य बंद रहेगा .दिनांक 03/01/2022 से अध्ययन- अध्यापन कार्य पूर्ववत् चलेगा .

विधालय परिवार की तरफ से आप समस्त परिवार को नववर्ष2022की मंगलमय कामनाएं.


Dear Parents,

It is hereby your kind notice that the school will be closed on the occasion of   “Good Bye Year -2021 “and warm welcome of “New Year-2022”. School will reopen on 03.01.2022 and teaching work will continue as before.

I hope that the New Year will be the best year of your life. Wishing you very very happy New Year to you and your family on behalf of The Rainbow family.

                                                                                                      The RIS Bhagalpur

From:THE RIS Bhagalpur